Beans and Cornbread for the King

Beans and Cornbread for the King


Being the keeper at home and occupying our God-given role as the weaker vessel sure offers us ladies an abundance of security. Our husband has the task of providing for our family. That is no light load to carry. Are you grateful for that? Do you thank God for your hard-working husband and for the provision he brings in? You should!

As homemakers, we don’t carry that heavy load, but we can help make it lighter and more bearable in many ways. That’s part of what being a help meet is about. Are you cautious with your expenditures? Do you pinch your pennies? Do you watch for sales and then stock up? Do you cook at home as much as possible? Simple meals are ok. Not every meal needs be extravagant. In fact, many men favor those basic, meat and potato type meals they grew up on. It’s comfort food. Coming home to a home-cooked meal served by a loving wife after a long, hard day can do so much for their morale. Even if all you have is beans and cornbread, serve him up like he’s a king in his palace! This not only fuels their bodies but it boosts their spirits too…it gives them a sense of purpose and helps them to keep pushing onward.

Other ways you can be of help is to keep a positive and happy attitude. Try not to complain. This does nothing but beat your husband down and may make him feel like he’s a lousy provider. Let him know you trust in him. Be a place of refuge for him in a dog-eat-dog world. No man wants to come home to a worried, nagging wife after putting in a hard days work just to make ends meet. Be his safe place. Let him unwind and unload if he needs to while you patiently listen. Take your worries and concerns to the Lord in prayer.

Remember, the woman typically sets the tone in the home. So let’s work to keep it happy and peaceful for everyone’s sake, especially for the king of our palace!

Mrs. Garcia

A Word to the Younger Women

bridge over water

In line with my last post to the older Christian women, today I want to talk about the younger women.

We have a duty as well. If Titus 2 says the older women are to be “reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things—“ in order to teach the younger women to “love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands” then we have an obligation as well.

Grandmother in Apron Washing Dishes

If the older women are those above mentioned things then we as younger ladies are to become those things. Now granted, that does not happen overnight, but the responsibility lies within us. Yes we need the older woman and her godly example but we, younger ladies, must be willing to learn, be open to rebuke and exhortation so that we too can be molded into that Titus 2 older woman.

The older women have no easy task. The world is working against them. The world is telling us younger women especially to live loosely; there’s no need to marry, but if you do marry, please do not submit to that man of yours, he just wants to control you. Children? Sure have ‘em, but not too many, and then ship ‘em off for someone else to raise. Divorce is more common than staying married and it’s always the other person’s fault don’tcha know. Discreet and chaste are so unheard of that it’s not even funny. Belligerent, dominant women are everywhere you turn. They feel empowered and cringe at the word ‘submission’. Little do they know that true biblical submission is a beautiful thing.  Yes, older women definitely have their work cut out for them. But the load does not fall on their shoulders alone.  Younger women have their own part to do as well.

I’ve heard it said that most older women don’t reach out because most younger women are not willing to listen and do not desire to be taught. Younger women think they have all the answers these days. Google has replaced a good old fashioned conversation or telephone call.

frazzled victorian homemaker

Younger women, let’s face it. We need help. There is always room to grow and learn. We don’t know it all. There will always be someone a little farther down the road than us that’s a little more seasoned. Their assistance and insight is invaluable. Let’s humble ourselves and yield ourselves to godly teaching in order that we too can teach those younger than us.

Why? “So the Word of God be not blasphemed”. There is no wonder the world despises Christians. We preach what others should be doing yet we are not doing it ourselves. We should look drastically different than the world.

What do you say?

We can do all things through Christ which strengthens us!


Mrs. G

A Plea to the Older Christian Women

holy women of old

Listen closely older women. Can you hear the cries? Listen just a little closer…

You were called to a highly important task. One that is very much needed in this day and age. We are in a day where the majority of homes sit empty all day and divorce is at an all time high. You, older Christian woman, are needed indeed.

Titus 2

Titus 2:4-5 tells the older women that they should train the younger women to “love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed”.  But where are all these women to be found? Are they just too busy? Do they even exist anymore?

The younger women are searching. We need guidance; sound biblical guidance. We know what the world wants from us. The world would have us abandon our homes, leave our children to be raised by someone else and run from our husbands’ lion ready to devour“dominating grips”. The devil himself is waiting like a lion to devour our homes. But we are fighting it. And we could most assuredly use your help. We are deepWoman in field in the battle and we holler out, but it often seems no one is there to hear our battle cry. Take our hand. Allow us to learn from somebody that’s been through the battle and has emerged victoriously.

Show us by your godly example…how to love our husbands, how to respectfully submit to this earthly headship that God put in place. Show us to be discreet; cautious in our conduct, our temperament and our dress. Teach us to be chaste; pure in thought and in our actions. Teach us to be at home and to love our home by placing a high priority on your own home by caring for all who enter there and even extending your loving assistance to the younger women within your sphere of life. Exemplify what godly submission of a wife to her husband should look like, respecting and esteeming your own husband above all others.

homemakers making cake

Whether you know it or not, we desperately need your example.

Will you take our out stretched hands and lead us up out of the trenches and on to victory in Jesus? We are desperately waiting…hand in rain


Mrs. G